幕后操纵者: wire-puller; backstage manip ...不: a block of wood露面: show one's face; show one's ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...拥有: possess; have; own实权: real power或: nǎi-.影响: influence; affect人: human being; man; person; pe ...不露面而拥有实权或影响力的人物: no.gray eminence幕后操纵者: behind-the-scene master; black journalist; mastermind; wirepuller; wire-pulling富影响力的人: an influential person无影响力的人: cipher有影响力的人: influence幕后操纵: pull the strings [wires] behind the scenes; backstage manipulation; behind-the-scenes manipulation; manipulate (from) behind the scenes◇幕后操纵者 wire-puller; backstage manipulator; behind-the-scenes plotter牵线, 幕后操纵: pull wires在幕后操纵: pull the strings不露面的: invisible有大影响力的人: genius幕后之操纵者: wirepuller幕后操作的人: mastermind有影响力的: ascendant - having no influence; influential具有影响力的人;要人;大人物;大: a big shot不露面的合伙人: dormant partner用钱或影响力帮助某人: use money or influence to helsb